

Quarter Turns


The Bikini division category considers 3 elements: Proportion, conditioning, and muscularity as follows.

The ideal proportions of a bikini champion would display a healthy waist-to-hip ratio. In simple words, an hourglass body shape where the waist is visibly smaller than the hips, the body fat percentage (leanness) of an athlete, and just enough muscle to display evidence of resistance training. The ideal Bikini champion would display a physique that is marketable not only to hardcore fitness fans, but also to an audience outside bodybuilding.

Individual Presentation

The individual presentation portion is a stage walk. Athletes will be 

reintroduced individually to house music of promoter's choice and perform a T-walk.

T-Walk: Consists of walking to rear center, do a pose, then walk to front center stage and pose, walk to stage left and do a pose, then walk to stage right do a pose, then exit the stage. 

Poses should not be held for more than 3 seconds each, and the entire individual presentation should be completed in 30 seconds (the head judge may allow more time depending on the size of the stage).

Suit: Two-piece posing suit. Must be in good taste. Thongs are not allowed. The suit may be adorned with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins, etc. for added effect. High-heeled shoes are required. Competitors may wear jewelry. Body jewelry (piercing) is allowed, as long as it is not offensive or overly distracting.  All posing suits will be subject to prior inspection. 

Notable Champions: Misti Weatherford, Alana Kuhlman