Women's Bodybuilding


Quarter turns

Mandatory Poses


Women’s Bodybuilding category considers 3 elements: Muscularity, conditioning, and proportion in that order. A greater amount of lean muscle (aka Fat-Free Mass Index) will give a contestant the greatest advantage.

1)      Muscularity (40)

2)      Conditioning (30)

3)      Proportion (30)

Individual Routine: Competitors individually perform an up to 60-second posing routine to music. The individual routine is not factored into scoring for the Bodybuilding category alone, but it does count toward consideration for Overall Best Female Athlete. 

Suit: All posing suits will be subject to prior inspection. No shoes are worn for this class. Posing Suits worn by female competitors must be two-piece and may include a printed design with fringes, lace, sparkle or fluorescents that are in good taste. No large logos will be permitted. Excessively baggy suits and thongs are not permitted. Proper fitting of posing suit is required.

Notable World-Class Champions: Melody Farkas, Natalie Hays